

Sun, 18 Oct 2020 20:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 18 Oct 2020 21:30:00 GMT+08
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    以 "重联 "为主题的 "云上创客嘉年华",旨在2020年这个不确定的年份,以线上活动的形式重新连接制造者。在这个特殊时期,保持联系、坚持创造比以往任何时候都重要。


    2020年10月18日 20:30 ~ 2020年10月18日 21:30



    创客大爆炸,联合创始人 深圳开放创新实验室,主任 Hacked Matter智库,联合创始人。



    他还为Arduino开发了最为热门的可视化编程环境Ardublock。最近两年他开始关注城市农业,积极倡导“鱼菜共生”的养殖方式,把开源精神融入到农业艺之中。2011年,他与 Anna Greenspan 和 Silvia Lindtner 一同成立了 Hacked Matter,研究和出版草根开放创新的议题。


    Mitch Altman


    米奇-奥特曼是国际创客和发明家,最著名的是发明了TV-B-Gone遥控器,这是一个可以关闭公共场所电视的钥匙链。  他还是上世纪90年代末一家成功的硅谷创业公司3ware的联合创始人,并在80年代中期在虚拟现实领域做了开拓性工作。  

    他曾为MAKE和其他杂志撰稿,并为 "Maker Pro "写了一章,这是一本关于以自己喜欢的项目为生的书。  在过去的几年里,Mitch一直在世界各地举办讲座和研讨会,分享如何用电子技术制作很酷的东西,并教大家焊接。  他推广创客空间和开源硬件,并在所到之处指导他人。他是旧金山Noisebridge创客空间的联合创始人,也是Cornfield Electronics的总裁兼CEO。

    叶琛 Ricky Ye

    DFRobot CEO




    张增慧 Rachel

    DFRobot 战略合作经理

    目前是DFRobot 战略合作经理,同时也是蘑菇云创客空间社区经理,任蘑菇云创客文化推广大使,英特尔IoT创新大使,micro:bit推广大使等职务。




    张增慧 Rahcel

    Rachel目前是DFRobot 战略合作经理,同时也是蘑菇云创客空间社区经理,任蘑菇云创客文化推广大使,英特尔IoT创新大使,micro:bit推广大使等职务。她立志推广创客文化和创客教育核心理念,希望让更多人感受到创造的乐趣,用科技造福社会创新领域。她目前也在探索将戏剧和科技、交互艺术相融合,给剧场带来更多创新的艺术表现形式。


    叶琛 Ricky Ye

    Ricky Ye graduated from The University of Nottingham with a PhD in Robotics. Subsequently, he went on to work as a researcher at the Robotics Institute where he played a key role in developing the next generation of the robotic assembly line for aerospace, a collaborative project with Airbus and Rolls Royce. Ricky has contributed to several EU projects exploring the validity of applying robotics to high-value manufacturing as well. He came back to China in 2009 and founded DFRobot as CEO till now, meanwhile, he founded Mushroom Cloud Maker Space, a national certified maker space in Shanghai. He was also the key founder of Maker Carnival Shanghai, which is the biggest makers’ event in China until now. DFRobot is world-leading robotics and open source hardware provider with a large community catering to future creators. Focusing on the promotion of maker/STEM/AI education and the development of innovative talents of next generation, DFRobot provides high-quality, various intelligent education hardware resources and services in the past few years. So far, DFRobot has entered up to 8,000 schools from over 200 countries and regions globally, with its products and services well-received by more than 20,000 teachers and millions of students worldwide. 叶琛,英国诺丁汉大学机器人专业博士,曾担任机器人研究所研究员,参与空客和劳斯莱斯下一代先进机器人装配线项目,以及欧盟下一代灵巧制造项目。2009年回国联合创建DFRobot并担任CEO至今,期间创建了国家级创客空间-蘑菇云创客空间并联合发起中国最大创客盛会-创客嘉年华。 DFRobot是国际领先的机器人及开源硬件研发生产企业,近年来DFRobot更专注于创客/STEM/人工智能教育,以培养下一代具备创新创造能力的人才为使命,提供更多高质量、多品类的智能硬件产品及服务。目前,DFRobot已进入全球200多个国家和地区的8000多所学校,服务全球20000多名教师和上百万名学生。



    李大维从1990年开始参与开源运动。他是自由软件基金会会员,Apache多个项目的代码提交者,ObjectWeb开源基金会理事。在过去的20年里,他创立了多个开源软件项目,同时也参与了其他许多相关项目。李大维在2010年联合创办了中国首个创客空间——新车间。他还为Arduino开发了最为热门的可视化编程环境Ardublock。最近两年他开始关注城市农业,积极倡导“鱼菜共生”的养殖方式,把开源精神融入到农业艺之中。2011年,他与 Anna Greenspan 和 Silvia Lindtner 一同成立了 Hacked Matter,研究和出版草根开放创新的议题. 在2015年和李洪刚联合创立“创客大爆炸”,推动创客在下一代的物联网平台的创新和创业。并且出任深圳开放创新实验室主任。 David Li is the Executive Director of Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab (SZOIL) which facilitates the collaboration between global smart hardware entrepreneurs and the Shenzhen Open Innovation ecosystem. Prior to SZOIL, he co-founded XinCheJian in 2010, the first hackerspace in China to promote hacker/maker culture and open source hardware. In 2011, he co-founded Hacked Matter, a research hub on maker movement and open innovation. In 2015, he co-founded Maker Collider, a platform to develop next generation Internet of Things from the Maker community.


    Mitch Altman

    Mitch Altman is an international hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone remote controls, a keychain that turns off TVs in public places.  He was also co-founder of 3ware, a successful Silicon Valley startup in the late 1990s, and did pioneering work in Virtual Reality in the mid-1980s.  He has contributed to MAKE and other magazines, and wrote a chapter for "Maker Pro", a book about making a living from projects one loves.  For the last several years Mitch has been giving talks and workshops around the world, sharing how to make cool things with electronics, and teaching everyone to solder.  He promotes hackerspaces and open source hardware, and mentors others wherever he goes. He is a co-founder of Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco, and is President and CEO of Cornfield Electronics. 人们都把Mitch称作是创客教父, 因开发出能远程关闭公共场所的电视机的万能遥控器TV-B-Gone成为知名创客,随后在旧金山创办了 创客空间Noisebridge,近年来往返于世界各地的创客空间,为年轻的创客们提供指导,在创客圈内享有盛誉。

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    创客嘉年华创办于2012年,是由来自国内外的创客团队共同打造,它已经成为中国创客每年一次的大party 、一次灵感和手工的盛宴、一个接触科技的游乐场。通过亲身体验参与、动手制作、传达“想法当实现”的生活方式,激发大家的创新潜能和源动力! 创客嘉年华如今已在北京、上海、深圳等多地举办,并以开源联合的互联网方式,在全国各地陆续展开。

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