
Talent Review人才盘点 & Talent Development人才发展(上海)

Tue, 21 Aug 2018 09:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Wed, 22 Aug 2018 16:30:00 GMT+08


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    【第一天】 8月21日Talent Review人才盘点

    1. Why Do We Conduct Talent Review: Business context of the Talent Review? 为什么要做人才盘点?
    2. Strategic position of talent review at overall talent management landscape? 人才盘点在人才管理全局中的战略位置?
    3. Most frequent challenges facing talent review is how to identify potential. 人才盘点中最常见的困难就是如何鉴别潜质?
    4. What are the typical parameters that most organizations use? 人才盘点中常见的参数,例如绩效、素质、潜质、和其他?
    5. What are the differentiated talent management approaches including talent deployment, development, motivation and retention? 人才盘点九宫格区分出来的各类人才如何使用、培养、激励和挽留?

    HR leaders, OD leaders, Learning & Development Managers, Business leaders who pay high attention on talent management

    一、Why Do We Conduct Talent Review: Business context of the Talent Review? 为什么要做人才盘点?
    1、Typical scenarios of business needs that drive talent review initiatives.
    2、A few sample consulting cases are to be shared and discussed. 分享和研讨几个典型的咨询案例。

    二、Talent Review Focus at Different Organization Life Cycle人才盘点在企业发展不同时期的作用

    1、Is talent review needed for every stages of the life cycle? 人才盘点是否在任何阶段都需要?
    2、What should we focus on at different stages? 各个阶段的侧重点各自是什么?

    三、Strategic position of talent review at overall talent management landscape?人才盘点做什么?人才盘点在人才管理全局中的战略位置;

    How do conduct talent review in terms of quantity and quality? 如何从数量和质量两方面进行人才盘点?

    四、Talent Review Parameters人才盘点的主要参数
    1、What are the typical parameters that most organizations use? 人才盘点中常见的参数,例如绩效、素质、潜质、和其他。
    2、How do we understand each of the parameters? 各项参数在人才盘点中的定义是什么?
    3、How do we select parameters for talent review? 如何选择这些参数? 

    五、Talent Review 9-Box人才盘点的各种九宫格

    1、What are the typical talent review 9-box methodologies? 典型的几种人才盘点九宫格有哪些?
    2、What are their different focuses and differences? 各自的侧重点和差别是什么?
    3、How to select the right 9-box for your needs? 如何根据需要选择合适的九宫格?

    六、Talent Review Process, and It’s Two Critical Success Factors人才盘点流程和两大成功要素
    1、What are the step-by-step processes for talent review? 人才盘点的步骤和流程有哪些?
    2、What are the potential challenges and how to deal with them? 在这些流程中最容易出现的挑战和关键应对重点是什么?

    七、Leadership Potential领导力潜质

    1、Most frequent challenges facing talent review is how to identify potential. 人才盘点中最常见的困难就是如何鉴别潜质?
    2、What are the different practices in identifying talent potential? 业内通常的鉴别方式有哪些?
    3、What are the key themes of the recently well-known Learning Agility? 近期广为使用的学习敏锐度的要领是什么?
    How to measure leadership potential using TALENTx7®? 如何使用TALENTx7®来衡量潜质?

    八、Applying Talent Review Results to Talent Management人才盘点结果在人才管理中的运用
    1、Application of the Talent Review Outputs are both the critical goal and a critical success factor for talent review process. 人才盘点的结果如何运用既是人才盘点的目的、也是人才盘点流程是否得以顺利实施的要点之一。
    2、What are the differentiated talent management approaches including talent deployment, development, motivation and retention? 人才盘点九宫格区分出来的各类人才如何使用、培养、激励和挽留?

    【第二天】 8月22日Talent Development人才发展


    The oneday training will cover methodologies on how to apply outputs from talent review to differentiated leadership talent development and other talent management processes. Participants will also get free trial of individual online VERA8 leadership competency assessment, and TALENTx7 learning agility assessment, together worthing RMB 2200. On the workshop, participants will then based on these two assessment reports to map out self leadership development journey.

    HR leaders, OD leaders, Learning & Development Managers, Business leaders who pay high attention on talent management


    一、From Talent Review to Talent Development – A Missing Jigsaw Puzzle 从人才盘点到人才发展 – 一片缺失的拼图
    1. Review on Talent Review: different talent review methodologies and outputs回顾人才盘点的初心,审视人才盘点的不同方式和结果
    2. How is leadership developed? Developmental factors, internal and external.领导力是如何发展的?发展的内因和外因
    3. How to plan for organizational leadership development, based on outputs from talent review? 如何从人才盘点结果出发,进行组织的整体领导力人才发展规划?案例介绍

    二、Leadership Talent Development, Step-by-step and Toolkits领导力人才发展的步骤和工具
    1. Clarify personal development ambition and career direction明确人才个人的意愿和发展方向
    2. Select competencies for individual development, the inside-out and outside-in methodology 由里到外、由外到内选择个人要发展的素质
    3. Select individual leadership development tactics 选择个人领导力发展的策略 
    4. Confirm individual development approaches and roadmap确定个人领导力发展的方法和路径

    三、Case Study: My personal leadership development plan, based on talent review results案例分析:如何从盘点结果出发,发展我自己的领导力

    四、 Applying Talent Review Results into Other Talent Management Practices.How to Diffrentiate These Talent Management Practices for Talent in Different 9-Box? 人才盘点结果在人才管理中的其他运用。针对九宫格的九种不同人才,如何差异化地进行以下人才管理:
    1. Compensation and Incentive Plan薪酬激励计划
    2. Retaintion Plan留任计划
    3. Further Indepth Assessment Plan进一步深入测评计划
    4. Developmental Assignment Plan发展实践计划
    5. Coaching and Mentoring Plan教练辅导计划
    6. Communication Plan沟通计划


    林光明先生(Jack Lim)

    • 励衿领导力咨询的董事总经理。

    • 曾任光辉国际(Korn/Ferry)人才与领导力咨询业务大中华区董事总经理、美世咨询(Mercer)人力资本咨询业务大中华区总经理、合益集团(HayGroup)资深顾问。为上百家各行业的顶尖企业提供人力资源和领导力咨询服务,辅导过数十名中国区总裁、副总裁、和关键部门中国区总监级别的高管。

    • 在美国“Leadership Excellence”、中文版哈佛商业评论、华尔街日报等刊物发表文章,是《商业评论》编辑委员会成员,并荣膺其“十年来最具洞察力和启发性的十佳作者”称号。

    • 客户包括但不仅限于:思科、勃林格殷格翰、赛诺菲、强生、亿滋、菲仕兰、赛生医药、世茂集团等。经常在高端人力资源和领导力论坛演讲,被《中国人才》评为对中国人力资源领域有突出贡献的“15年15人”。


    地址:上海市浦东新区张杨路777号 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店

    课费:RMB 5980元/天,RMB 11960/2天(费用包括会议资料/茶歇/午餐)






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