The 4th costume contest of LanguageMix Halloween Event LM第四届万圣节变装大赛
The fourth costume contest of LanguageMix Halloween Event LM第四届万圣节变装大赛
Are you ready for some spooky fun? Halloween is almost here, and we have a special surprise gift for everyone who join our language activity in a costume. Plus, you will enter a contest to win amazing prizes,we will have a best costume contest at the end, and the winners will get prizes worth 1000 yuan totally ! And guess what? Wearing a costume while holding a drink can make you a language master! It’s true, according to science. So don’t miss this chance to learn and have a blast!
LanguageMix 第四届万圣节变装大赛来了!我们希望你穿奇装异服来参加活动!每个穿costume的人都会得到礼物一份!活动最后会评选出本场活动最佳着装,我们有总价值1000元的礼品给到最佳着装获奖者!⼀边cos⼀边喝酒⼀边和全世界的⼈练习语⾔把你的语⾔技能发挥到100%!
1.7:30PM-9:30PM Sign up& social talk
2.9:30PM-10:30PM Choose the Party Queen&King
2.9:30PM-10:30PM 竞选最受欢迎的装扮
About Language Mix
什么是Language Mix ?
Language Mix is a community that connects people who want to learn and share different languages through weekly offline events. It caters to a variety of language learners, from foreigners who want to master Chinese to overseas returnees who want to maintain their foreign language proficiency. Since 2017, Language Mix has established itself as a leading and reputable organization for language exchange, with nearly 100,000 fans, 1,500 offline events, and 80,000 participants in 12 cities across China.
Language Mix是一个通过每周线下活动将想要学习和分享不同语言的人们联系起来的社区。它迎合了各种语言学习者,从想要掌握汉语的外国人到想要保持外语水平的海归。自2017年以来,Language Mix已成为领先的语言交流机构,在中国12个城市拥有近10万名粉丝,1500场线下活动,8万名参与者。
第一届The first session
第二届The second session
第三届 The third session
2015年在上海,一位美国伙子想要更好地与本地中国人联系,同时也想为所有的语言交流/学习(英语、汉语、日语、西班牙语、法语、德语、韩语、俄语等)提供一个更好的平台,Language Mix就此诞生,这平台变得非常受欢迎。Language Mix已扩展到中国各地的城市,可以往下滑,欣赏各城市的活动美照。我们希望,无论你到哪里去,当你到达一个不熟悉的城市,都有一个与新朋友联系的平台。