
博古睿讲座12 | 数字人格:人与人工智能之间的天使/幽灵?

Sun, 25 Oct 2020 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 25 Oct 2020 15:30:00 GMT+08
(Xian Shang Huo Dong)


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    博古睿讲座12 | Berggruen Seminars 12

    讲座 | Lecture


    Digital Personality: Angel or Demon Between Humanity and AI?

    主讲嘉宾 | Presenter


    · 小说作者、研究员 

    · 博古睿学者

    郝景芳, 2006年毕业于清华大学物理系,2013年清华大学经管学院博士毕业。2013年至2018年任中国发展研究基金会研究一部副主任,2018年哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院访问学者。研究项目包括“城市群协同发展”、“大国崛起的经验教训”、“人工智能时代的劳动力就业市场”、“中国科技创新结构分析与展望”等。自2006年开始小说创作,2016年第74届世界科幻大会,凭短篇小说《北京折叠》获最佳中短篇小说奖。研究兴趣包括:科技创新原理、创造力生态打造、科技发展对社会认知影响、社会不平等问题、人类历史中的治理与发展等。

    Hao Jingfang

    · Author, Researcher

    · Berggruen Fellow

    Hao Jingfang graduated from Tsinghua University with an undergraduate degree in physics, and she later gained her PhD degree in Economics and Management from the same university. She worked as Deputy Director of Research Department I in China Development Research Foundation from 2013 to 2018. She was a visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School in 2018. Her research projects during those years include “The Coordination of Big City Groups in China”, “The Rise and Fall of Great Nations”, “The Labor Market in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”, and “The Structure of Research and Innovation in China”, etc. Hao started to write novels in 2006, and she won “The Best Novelette” for her short story “Folding Beijing” at the 74th World Science Fiction Convention. Hao will focus on how the technology development impact social cognition during her time with the Berggruen Institute.

    对话背景 | About the Event


    Brain-computer interfacing and magnetic neuroimaging are becoming ever more developed, and it is now possible to comprehensively scan and track neurons in the human brain. Digital intelligence based on neuroimaging is now a mature technology. And in the near future, digital intelligences that perfectly simulate the real human brain are likely to appear—true digital personalities, capable of more advanced and humanized intelligent responses. This lecture will focus on the great uncertainty that digital personalities, once they have become commonplace, will bring to the discussion on humans and artificial intelligence.  

    内容主题 | Key Discussions

    · 数字人格属于人类的生命延伸,还是人工智能?

    · 数字人格能否有权替人进行各种操作?

    ·  数字人格是否享有各种权利?

    · 数字人格的智能行为如何保证安全? 

    · Are digital personalities an extension of humanity, or are they simply AI?

    · Should we let digital personalities replace us for some tasks?

    · Should digital personalities have rights?

    · How do we ensure that digital personalities act safely?

    时间 | Time

    2020.10.25 14:00-15:30

    直播平台 Streaming Platform


    Bilibili (Livestream link will be shared via email and text message on Friday)

    语言 | Language

    中文 Chinese

    主办单位 | Host

    北京大学博古睿研究中心 | 思想改变世界


    Berggruen Research Center, Peking University | Ideas for a changing world

    The Berggruen Research Center is a hub for East-West research and dialogue dedicated to the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary study of the transformations affecting humanity. Intellectual themes focus on frontier technologies and society—specifically in artificial intelligence, the microbiome and gene editing as well as issues involving global governance and globalization.

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    博古睿研究院中国中心聚焦从中国视角、东方智慧观照人类变革和全球治理。人工智能和生命科学的突破性发展引领了第四次科技革命,中国科学家和思想家参与全球对话至关重要;融入当代性的东方智慧如何破解今天全球共同面临的挑战。 2018年12月19日,北京大学博古睿研究中心在北京揭牌成立。 2010年,尼古拉斯·博古睿和内森·加尔斯在加利福尼亚汇集顶尖学界、商界和政界人士,思考和讨论由世界金融危机带来的经济、政治问题,西方民主制度危机带来的挑战,以及中国的崛起将怎样影响21世纪的全球合作和治理。

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